Ambassador Report Mr. Adam Mullineux

最終更新日 2011年6月17日ページID 002722


Ambassador Report

Name:Mr. Adam Mullineux


Induction:July 2005

Date of Activities:October 2006

Summary of Activities:

    Recently, Professor Yoshimi Kawamoto (Fukui University) arrived in Manchester for a short research period. We met up to have a short tour of Manchester, finished off with a meal together. Firstly, the Japan Society of the North West of England had an open day in Manchester Town Hall. Professor Kawamoto and I met there and looked around; we saw calligraphy, taiko drumming, manga and other Japanese cultural items (it made me miss Fukui a little!). When we finished at the fair, we met with my father and walked around the city centre.
    Manchester is an old Roman city as well as the first industrial city in the world. My father, who knows a lot about the history of Manchester, acted as a tour guide, and showed us some of the more important sights, such as the first complete canal and the first passenger railway. Although it rained (another feature of the city), I hope it provided an interesting introduction to the area that Professor Kawamoto might not be able to see in a guide book.
    After that, my family (which now included my mother) and Professor Kawamoto had a meal in a restaurant downtown, where we talked about life in Fukui, life in Manchester and Professor Kawamoto's research. It was a very enjoyable afternoon, and hopefully we will meet again - my family would like to invite Professor Kawamoto for a meal sometime in November, before he returns to Fukui.

Response from participants, etc.:

    My parents and I were certainly very happy to meet Professor Kawamoto, and we enjoyed talking with him about his research, places he would like to go in Britain, how things have changed in Fukui and interesting points about Manchester. I hope we did not tire him out too much! He mentioned how his guide books talk a lot about London, but not much about other cities in England - I hope he knows some interesting places to visit now.

Professor Kawamoto's Report:

    Thank you for introducing me to Adam Mullineux the other day. We met up last Saturday, October 21st, at "Japan Day", which was being held at the Manchester City Hall by the Japan Society of the North West of England.
    After looking around at Japan Day with Adam, we stopped in a pub to wait for his father. Once his father showed up, we walked around Manchester together (see picture). His father is extremely well versed in Manchester's history, and he told us a number of key points and anecdotes that one cannot easily find in written materials. It seems that some of it was even new for Adam. By that time it was evening, so most facilities were closed, but thanks to recent urban renewal the town center has not only historical areas but also many new buildings, and thus there were many interesting places to see. Since I am interested in urban development, it was a very fun town to walk around in.
    After that Adam's mother joined us for dinner at a restaurant. (see picture) Adam's parents are very kind, happy people and very patiently listened to my poor English, so we were able to converse. I had so much fun that the time flew by, and after agreeing to meet again in the near future, we all said goodbye.
    I would like to close by expressing my thanks to everyone at the International Affairs and Marketing Strategy Division for creating the system that provided me with this opportunity. With the sincere hope that such opportunities will increase in number, I submit this report along with my gratitude.

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