Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Issei Nishikawa, and I am the Governor of Fukui Prefecture.
At the beginning of this Fukui International Meeting on Human Resources Development for Nuclear Energy in Asia, I would like to address you on behalf of the organizer.
I deeply appreciate your coming all the way from Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the IAEA to Fukui Prefecture.
I wish to extend to you my sincere welcome.
Fukui has 13 commercial nuclear power plants,the largest concentration of such plants in the country.
Fukui prefecture has contributed to national energy policy for more than 50 years, and accumulated a long history and a great deal of experience.
After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, we strongly resolved that such nuclear accidents should never be allowed to happen.
Now we are taking all possible measures to ensure the safety of nuclear power, such as specific monitoring systems for the restart of Ohi Nuclear Power Station Units 3 and 4.
Additionally, Fukui is host to a large number of nuclear energy research and training facilities, such as the Monju fast-breeder reactor.
The Japan Atomic Power Company Tsuruga Training Center, the venue for today’s meeting, is one of these facilities.
In October of last year the Center was opened for training in nuclear reactor operation and maintenance not only for domestic operators, but for technicians overseas as well.
In order to create a base for comprehensive energy research and human resource development, we are actively advancing our Energy Research and Development Centralization Plan, as well as incorporating a number of measures for the development of the region, by utilizing our unique position as a place where so many reactors and related facilities are concentrated.
Conversely, as Asia continues to see economic growth, expectations toward nuclear power as a source of energy, the basis of manufacturing, are growing.
In order to ensure the safe construction and operation of nuclear power facilities in all countries, the nurturing of the human resources necessary to support safe nuclear power has become a crucial issue.
Furthermore, making international use of the lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident and improving nuclear safety throughout the world are exceedingly important roles for Japan as well as for Fukui, as an area of advanced nuclear power production.
To this end, we hope to make full use of the nuclear power potential possessed by Fukui, contributing to the development of safety techniques and human resource development in Asia and the rest of the world.
This led to the establishment of the Fukui International Human Resources Development Center for Atomic Energy in April, 2011.
The Center trains nearly 50 government administrators and power company employees from 10 Asian countries each year.
Moving forward, I feel it necessary for Fukui Prefecture to possess a firm grasp of the issues facing human resource development, strengthen cooperation with the IAEA, and improve nuclear energy human resources from an international standpoint, for the purpose of fulfilling the expectations of countries that promote the peaceful use of nuclear power.
In today’s conference, I hope that we are able to introduce the steps taken both in Japan and the rest of the world in response to the accident at Fukushima, and that we are able to discuss the problems facing nuclear energy human resource management throughout Asia.
Through this, I hope that the conference is of benefit to all of us.
Additionally, we hope to make use of today in deepening our relations with all of you, and in making it easier to mobilize Fukui as a place for the development of nuclear energy human resources.
Unfortunately, due to time constraints I am unable to fully introduce Fukui Prefecture today, but I would like to say that we are blessed with bountiful nature and foodstuffs, advanced industrial production, and traditional industries.
We are also home to the Ramsar Convention-registered Five Lakes of Mikata; the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, one of the world’s three largest dinosaur museums; Eihei-ji Temple, home of the Soto sect of Buddhism; and other sightseeing destinations.
I hope that you can visit us again, and enjoy these places yourself.
Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Machi, the host of today’s event; all of those in attendance today from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, the Nuclear Regulation Authority, the University of Fukui and Fukui University of Technology, and power companies.
It is my express hope that this meeting is fruitful for all of those involved. Thank you.