The Exchange between Fukui and Bhutan

最終更新日 2012年2月29日ページID 037924


Cooperation between Fukui Prefectural Government and the Center for Bhutanese Studies 

Memorandum regarding cooperation

Fukui Prefecture has been evaluated as happiest prefecture in Japan. In March, 2012, the Fukui Prefectural Government and the Center for Bhutan Studies signed the Memorandum regarding cooperation, in order to build up good relationship with the Kingdom of Bhutan called 'the Happiest Country'.
 【Methods contained in the Memorandum】
 ・Exchange of information produced by research into hope and/or happiness, as well as key policy issues facing both countries
 ・Mutual aid and exchange in areas including, but not limited to : education, culture, and manufacturing   
  覚書の締結  覚書
Dasho Karma Ura, Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies, made great effort to install the idea of GNH (Gross National Happiness) into national policy, and participated in drafting the Constitution that was established first ever in 2008. For that great achievement, he was given the title 'Dasho' meaning best person in Bhutanese language. 


Memorial Seminar for welcoming Dasho Karma Ura to Fukui

The seminar regarding 'happiness' and 'hope' was held welcoming Dasho Karma Ura, Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies, who is researching GNH (Gross National Happiness) that is suggesioned by the Bhutanese Government.

  • Date/Time    Mar.16, 2014 (Fri) 13:00~14:30
  • Place    Fukui International Activities Plaza 2F Conference room 1,2

Contents    Lecture [Happiness and GNH] Dasho Karma Ura, Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies
     Report [Study of LHI, Local Hope Index]  Naoto Takeuchi, Director of Policy Promotion Division, Department of General Policy 

Bhutan Seminar

Bhutan seminar was held since letting the residents in Fukui know about the latest life and changes of social condition in Bhutan.
Yoshiro Imaeda who is a leading researcher regarding Chibet and had served as an advisor of the National library in Bhutan for 10 years, and Toshihiro Tsukihara who is a professor of the University of Fukui and researching in the history of regional environment in south Asia were participated as panelists.

  • Date/Time    Nov. 16, 2013 (Sat.)  10:00~12:00
  • Place    Fukui International Activities Plaza B1 Multi-Purpose Hall

  Keynote Speech [Bhutanese Nation Building in the Future and GNH]
        Dasho Karma Ura, Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies
  Panel Discussion
     Theme : [Development of Region Increasing Happiness and Hope]
     Panelists : Dasho Karma Ura, Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies
          Yoshiro Imaeda, 元仏国立科学研究センター研究ディレクター
           Toshihiro Tsukihara, Professor of the University of Fukui (as a cordinater) 

The Governor visited Bhutan

In December, 2013, the Governor, Mr. Nishikawa, and representatives in economic world visited Bhutan by invitation from the government of Bhutan.
They had an audience by His Majesty, the King of Bhutan and the Governor explained that exchange with Bhutan deepened more and more through the World Children’s Baseball Fair in Fukui, 2013 and the visit of young Bhutanese government officials He also said ’Progressing business and economy in Fukui will help for development of Bhutan. His Majesty said ‘It is important that government serves, private companies and children shall exchange each other.’
They had consultations with leading figures such as Tshering Tobgay, the Prime Minister and
talked about the cooperation regarding economic affairs such as traditional arts and exchange regarding education such as growing human resources.
   国王拝謁  首相会談

The 5th Anniversary Seminar of the Exchange between Fukui and Bhutan

The seminar welcoming Dasho Karma Ura was held. It was 5th anniversary after Fukui Prefecture and Center for Bhutan Studies had signed memorandum and started their exchange.
In Bhutan, national survey to measure GNH [Gross National Happiness] has been conducted per 5 years. Dasho gave us the lecture about latest result and reflection in government policy.

Date    Mar. 16, 2017 (Fri.)  10:00~11:45
Place    Fukui International Activities Plaza  3F Special Conference room
Contents  『GNH調査2015の結果および政策への反映について』Dasho Karma Ura, Director of the Center for Bhutan Studies
    『GNHの観点から見たJICA農業協力のインパクト』Sho Takano, Representative (Depty) of JICA Bhutan Office 

The Exchange of Lacquer Ware Producing Center

The Minister for Economic Affairs in Bhutan Visited Fukui 

In March, 2015, His Excellency Lyonpo Norbu Wanchuck, the Minister for Economic Affairs (at the time) visited Fukui. He had been invited by the Foreign Affairs in Japan. He observed industrial technology in Fukui such as Echizen Lacquer Ware and eye glasses.
He suggested that he wanted to progress the technical exchange of lacquer ware because of the high level technique of Echizen Lacquer Ware.
Bhutanese government is putting up the goal ‘文化の保護と振興‘ as one of 4 national goal, so the art of lacquer ware is expected as tourism souvenirs because foreign tourists are increasing. 
   経済大臣視察 漆器会館

Technical Training in Fukui

After the suggestion from the Minister for Economic affairs in Bhutan, for about three months from September to December, 2016, 2 Bhutanese trainees came to Sabae City in Fukui and took technical training by artisans of Echizen Lacquerware.
They learnt standard techniques such as wood turning, lacquering and painting. They said confidently that they wanted to adapt the skills of precise techniques and making tools themselves into Bhutanese methods.
 * Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR) subsidized this project.

Period    From September 12th to December 22nd, 2016
    ten Number    2 persons
    Contents    The training result in 2016 (PDF)
  技術指導H28 漆塗り指導 作成した漆器

Visiting Bhutan and Courtesy Call for the Minister for Economic Affairs

In July, 2017, the representatives from Echizen Lacquerware Cooperative visited Bhutan.
At the courtesy call for His Excellency Lyonpo Lekey Dorji, the Minister for Economic Affairs, he appreciated to the cooperation from Fukui and requested about the improvement of tools and lacquer quality
They had consultations with relevant persons of Bhutan side about local problems and the methods for training since Fukui is planning to conduct technical training in the producing center of Bhutan in this autumn.
  * JICA supported this visit.

Period  Jul. 9~15, 2017
Participants  a Director and a Traditional craftsman of Echizen Lacquerware Cooperative 
       a Staff of JICA Hokuriku 
        県バンコクビジネスサポートセンター 副所長
        Industrial Technology Center 主任研究員
  大臣表敬 打合せ

Technical Training at the Producing Center in Bhutan

In Oct., 2017, Artisans of Echizen Lacquerware visited Trashi Yangtse where is the producing center in eastern Bhutan. They trained local craftsmen and students of the institute for Zorig Chusum.
Bhutanese lacquer ware is believed to have been practicing since early 1900. Before 1997 with the arrival of electricity, craftsmen used foot powered turn table for curving wood. Although electrical turn tables are used at present, curving chisels and lacquer quality etc. are need to be improved. In addition, craftsmen and women are doing lacquering by their hands, so it is afraid to be their physical damage by lacquer.
2 artisans of Echizen Lacquerware (a wood turner and a lacquerer) trained considering such local tools and methods.
Then we held the seminar of lacquer ware introducing the characters both of Bhutanese and Echizen Lacquerware and suggested to develop new products originated from Bhutan.
  * Council of Local Authorities for International Relations [CLAIR] subsidized this project.

Period  Oct. 13 to 22, 2017
Paticipants   2 traditional craftsmen of Echizen Lacquerware Cooperative
             (a wood turner, a lacquerer)
        a researcher of Kyoto Prefectural University
        a senior staff of Regional Exchange Plomotion division, Fukui Prefecture 

  木地指導 塗り指導  漆器セミナー

The Exchange with Bhutanese Youth

Bhutan Team Took Part in the World Children’s Baseball Fair in Fukui, 2013

In Aug, 2013, the 23th anniversary World Children’s Baseball Fair in Fukui was held and Bhutanese 5 boys and girls took part in the fair first ever. Baseball is not widespread in Bhutan, so they wore trained baseball by local Japanese before they came to Fukui.
At the event of baseball lesson, they eagerly worked on the real training with foreign children. Then they experimented Japanese culture and nature in Fukui and participated in the various activities. In particular, beautiful Japan Sea was very interesting because there is no sea in Bhutan.

The President of Sherubtse College Visited Fukui

In February, 2016, Tsherin Wandhi, the President of Sherubtse College visited Fukui during coming to Japan for the activity of the collaborative agreement between Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan and the Open University of Japan.
At the courtesy call for the Governor, they exchange of views about studies of happiness and decreasing population and interactions between students both of Bhutan and Fukui.

Inviting Students from Bhutan

In August to September, 2016, Fukui Prefecture invited 13 Students etc. from Bhutan subsided by JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency).
During 8 days program, they studied about Fukui’s education and industrial technology connecting to the happiest prefecture in Japan and experienced exchanges with junior high school, high school and college students and homestaying.
Bhutanese students said that it was interesting to know about advanced technology such as eyeglasses and electric power as well as people in Fukui think great deal with their tradition and culture.
  歓迎会 エネ研視察 書道交流

The Past Story of Exchange between Fukui Prefecture and the Kingdom of Bhutan  

平成23年 11月 Mr. Nishikawa, the Governor of Fukui, attended the reception in Tokyo welcoming His and Her Majesty , the King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the King of Bhutan.
The Governor Presented a letter and a gift to the King.
平成24年 3月 Fukui and the Center for Bhutan Studies made conclusion of Memorandum regarding cooperation.
The seminar welcoming the director of the Center for Bhutan Studies was held and Mr Karma Ura, the director gave lecture.
平成25年 8月 Bhutan Team (5 persons) Took Part in the World Children’s Baseball Fair in Fukui, 2013
  9月 11 young government Officials came to Fukui by JICA program.
They had a courtesy call on the Governor and studied local government.
  11月 Dasho karma Ura visited Fukui
He had a courtesy call on the Governor and had exchange views and seminar regarding hope and happiness.
  12月 Mr Nishikawa, the Governor, visited Bhutan
He had an audience by His majesty, the King, and had consultations with leading figures.
平成26年 3月 23 college students came to Fukui by 外務省青少年交流事業
They had a courtesy call on the Governor ,had exchange with students in Fukui and visited producing center of eyeglasses and Japanese paper etc.
  5月 The exhibition ‘Bhutanese Schools and Children’ was held in Fukui Children’s Museum.
Bhutanese toys, textbooks of elementary and junior high school, school bags and pictures etc. were displaied.
  6月 Tsherin Tobgey, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, came to Japan
Mr. Nishikawa, the Governor was invited to the dinner party to welcome held by Mr. and Mrs. Abe, the Prime Minister.
平成27年 3月 Mr. Wanchuk, the Minister for Economic Affairs in Bhutan Visited Fukui
He had a courtesy call on the Governor and visited producing center of Echizen Lacquerware etc..
  11月 Participating in the 6th GNH International Conference held at Paro in Bhutan 
平成28年 2月 The President of Sherubtse College Visited Fukui
He had a courtesy call on the Governor and visited universities in Fukui.
  5月 A Bhutanese national tree ‘Sypress Tree’ was planted at Awara Youth Recreation Center.
  8月~9月 Fukui invited 13 college students etc. from Bhutan.
They had exchange with college students in Fukui and visited industrial technology.
  9月~12月 2 Bhutanese artisans of lacquer ware took technical training in Fukui.
The Artisans of Echizen Lacquerware trained them.
平成29年 3月 Dasho Karma Ura came to Fukui.
A dinner party to welcome him was held by the Governor and the 5th Anniversary Seminar of the Exchange between Fukui and Bhutan was held
  7月 Artisans of Echizen Lacquerware etc. visited Bhutan.
They had a courtesy call on the Minister for Economic Affairs and performed field work.
  7月~8月 12 young government officials came to Fukui by JICA program.
They had a courtesy call on the Governor and studied the policies of prefecture, cities and towns such as creating community and industrial development.
  10月 Artisans of Echizen Lacquerware etc. visited Bhutanese producing center of lacquer ware.
They trained local artisans and students of technical art school in Trashi Yangtse and held a seminar of lacquer ware.






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